Über uns

Kath. Kindergarten St. Raphael
  • St.-Michael-Str. 13; 85055 Ingolstadt

Unsere Einrichtung bietet seit 1969 insgesamt 75 Kindern, in drei Gruppen, ein Angebot zur Erziehung, Bildung und Betreuung. Wir arbeiten nach dem Bayerischen Bildung- und Betreuungsplan für Kinder.

Unsere Einrichtung verfügt über ein großzügiges und modernes Raumprogramm, das den Kindern vielfältige Möglichkeiten für Spiel und Bewegung eröffnet.

Zusätzliche Intensivräume bzw. –bereiche (Außenspielbereiche) wie z. B. ein Konstruktionsbereich, eine „Schlaumeier-Ecke“ (Vorschulkinderbereich) und ein gut ausgestatteter Turnraum stehen den Kindern zur Verfügung. Sie bieten den Kindern eine Atmosphäre der Geborgenheit und Rückzugsmöglichkeiten. Das Materialangebot ist vielfältig und berücksichtigt das Alter, die Entwicklung, besondere Bedürfnisse und Einzelinteressen der Kinder (inkl. Montessori-Material).
Schwerpunkte unserer Arbeit sind unter anderem unser religionspädagogisches Profil, unser Profil „Gesundheitskindergarten“, die Schulvorbereitung und die Inklusion.

Wer wir sind

Was wir bieten

Wir sind ein multiprofessionelles und motiviertes Team von Erzieher:innen, Fachkräften in Kindertageseinrichtungen, Kinderpfleger:innen, Ergänzungskräften und Praktikant:innen mit Spaß und Freude an unserer Arbeit.
  • Wir bieten dir:
  • Bezahlung nach Tarif mit SuE-Zulage
  • Arbeitsmarktzulage der Stadt Ingolstadt
  • Zwei bis vier zusätzliche Regenerationstage zu den 30 Urlaubstagen
  • betriebliche Altersvorsorge
  • umfangreiches Fortbildungsangebot
  • Teamfortbildungen
Wir suchen Dich,

als Märchenerzähler, Spieleerfinder,
Trostspender und Streitschlichter.


Popular questions

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh