Der evangelische Kindergarten St. Paulus ist eine dreigruppige Einrichtung mit intergrativem/ inklusivem Schwerpunkt. Die Einrichtung befindet sich im Nordosten Ingolstadts.

Wir sehen unseren Auftrag darin, Kinder ganzheitlich zu bilden, zu erziehen und zu betreuen. Wir vermitteln die Grundwerte des christlichen Glaubens. Die Familiensprachen und kulturellen Gewohnheiten der unterschiedlichen Herkunftsländer unserer Kinder spielen im Kindergartenalltag eine große Rolle.

Desweiteren ist der Kindergarten St. Paulus eine Sprach-Kita.
Die Sprachbildung findet alltagsintegriert mit unterschiedlichen Methoden statt.

Was tun wir?

Leitlinien und Schwerpunkte

  • Inklusive Pädagogik
  • Interkulturelle Pädagogik
  • Alltagsintegrierte Sprachbildung
  • Projektarbeit
  • Partizipation
Evangelische Kirchengemeinde St. Paulus

Wir stellen uns vor

Wir suchen Dich,

als Märchenerzähler, Spieleerfinder,
Trostspender und Streitschlichter.


Popular questions

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh